Tuesday, August 27, 2013

All You Need to Know about Perfume

Many women have been buying perfume for many years, but are still unaware of the science and decision making that goes into crafting the lovely liquid. We rub the scent onto our skin knowing how great it can smell, but do you know what it is even made up of or how it works? Presently, there are even companies that allow customers to create their own original scents, which makes this information extremely useful to have. The basic makeup of perfume consists of water, alcohol, and liquid scent that perfume is known for. As perfume begins to evaporate, the scent molecules that start floating into the air are what we small and recognize.

Besides that, there are other useful things to know about scentcrafters perfume before you buy it. The amount of perfume oil in the product determines the strength of the perfume. Perfume oil is 98% alcohol with the desired fragrance added. The highest strength perfume is called parfum. After that is parfum, with a little less perfume oil. Eau de toilette is the next highest after eau de cologne. Lighter amounts of perfume oil are found in body sprays and eau de cologne.

You may wonder why people are okay with buying perfume that is so diluted. When confronted with scents like cashmere and ginger, being able to identify each scent is much better than being assaulted by several unidentifiable fragrances.

Perfumes are also classified into families based on how they smell. It is useful to use these groups when looking for a certain smell for a special occasion. Perfumes can be in groups such as amber, musk, oriental, fruity, floral, and more.

Applying this knowledge can help you use your perfume more effectively in many ways. Using your perfume correctly after knowing how companies use alcohol to differentiate scents over time can help you apply perfume at the right moment. The first scents to come out after being applied are usually the strongest, so you can get a general feel of the scent. Next, the memorable scents are set to release over the next few hours. Lastly, the low-key scents stick to your skin and last longer past the other scents. Take note when applying perfume to not rub it too hard into the skin, as it will evaporate more of the perfume that you may desire. Read further for more info.

After taking all of this in, you may have a new perspective on perfume and what to expect. You may even want to try your hand at getting a custom perfume. Not everyone will understand the amount of work that goes into designing a scent, but hopefully you will now have a better grasp on what it takes to make a lovely scent. Before you go shopping, also make sure you have read some scentcrafters review online.

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